We  gather congregations in La Mirada and Whittier to work collectively for the good of our community and the people of our congregations.

Current Members of the Collaborative:

La Mirada UMC

First Friends Church-  A Quaker Meeting

Whittier First UMC

Woven in Faith (Whittier Presbyterian + Salem Lutheran) 

Good Samaritan MCC

Click here for the One Page FAQ

Or contact Collaborative Coordinator Pastor Cate Luehr for more information.

  • Hygiene Kit Assembly

    On Saturday January 18th, 35 people from our MissionCollaborative met at First Friends Church to assembleHygiene Kits for The Loving Thing, a ministry of St.Matthias Episcopal Church in Whittier that offersphysical and emotional support to those experiencing homelessness in Whittier and surrounding areas. Wecleaned out old prescription bottles and filled them fromshampoo, hand soap and laundry detergent fromeconomy sized bottles. . We estimate we filled 880portable portions of hygiene supplies. We also baggedover 150 pair of new socks with a handwritten note ofencouragement and care. Many other items such astoothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene productswere also sent to The Loving Thing. One member sharedthat it was only possible because 35 people from 6different faith communities “chose to be kind, care, andlove their neighbors. That is truly #churchinaction.” 

  • Uptown WHittier Parade

    We had a float in the Uptown Whittier Christmas Parade, featuring the banners of many of the different Social Justice groups we have partners with these last two years. It is a way to promote the amazing work of the groups listed on this page

  • ENgage in Democracy


    First Friends Church, a Quaker MeetinG

     Learn to develop a working relationship with your representatives. Hear from people across the country on how to lobby. Engage with grassroots efforts with the Friends Committee on National Legislation. 

    RSVP: (562) 698-9805 or


  • Greater Whittier Area LGBTQ+ community Center

    Now open

    7643 Painter Ave.


    We joined the celebration when Whittier opened its long-awaited LGBTQ+ Center. The Center provides a wide range of essential services and resources including youth services, drop-in center, trans services, mental health support, substance use disorder treatment between others, all tailored to the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals. To find out more, drop in or go to https://whittierlgbtqcenter.org

  • opioid overdose reversal workshop

    Offered occasionally

    LA CADA (Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse) provides members of our collaborative with Opioid Overdose Reversal Education. Get trained on the use of NARCAN and receive a personal supply to carry with you.

    Contact Collaborative Coordinator Pastor Cate for more information. 

  • Family peace day festival

    Every Summer @ Whittier First Friends Church

    Hosted at Whittier First Friends Church

    Find out more at http://www.firstfriendswhittier.org/peace

  • Exvangelical theology pub

    Let's talk about it. 

    Fill out the form to join the Discord Server:  


  • christmas in July

    ho ho ho

    An annual event to connect and donate diapers to babies in need.

    At East Whittier UMC

  • Interfaith food center food drive

    Throughout the year our Mission Partner congregations hold various food drives for the Interfaith Food Center - a ministry providing basic needs to people in our community. A number of our member, across the churches, also volunteer here on a regular basis.

  • 5K walk for the

    whittier women & Children's crisis center


    an annual event

    An opportunity to support women and children recovering from domestic violence. Between walks, visit or volunteer at the Thrift Store: 

    Shelter’s Right Hand Thrift Shop & Boutique

    12300 Washington Blvd., Suite J

    Whittier, CA 90606 USA

    (562) 696-1399

  • queerfully & wonderfully made

    An annual welcoming event @ La Mirada Methodist


    A queer variety show with depth and meaning

    Annual event

  • engage in democracy


    First Friends Church and the Friends Committee on National Legislation taught participants how to engage with our elected leaders, emphasizing the building of relationships. The day also featured a visit from Nicholas Hernandez, a member of Senator Butler's staff. 

  • Veteran's resources center


    In honor of Veteran's Day, Whittier 1st UMC provided the collaborative with information about the Veteran's Resource Center located at the Whittier Central Public Library, where volunteers are available M-F from 10-2.