On Saturday January 18th, 35 people from our MissionCollaborative met at First Friends Church to assembleHygiene Kits for The Loving Thing, a ministry of St.Matthias Episcopal Church in Whittier that offersphysical and emotional support to those experiencing homelessness in Whittier and surrounding areas. Wecleaned out old prescription bottles and filled them fromshampoo, hand soap and laundry detergent fromeconomy sized bottles. . We estimate we filled 880portable portions of hygiene supplies. We also baggedover 150 pair of new socks with a handwritten note ofencouragement and care. Many other items such astoothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene productswere also sent to The Loving Thing. One member sharedthat it was only possible because 35 people from 6different faith communities “chose to be kind, care, andlove their neighbors. That is truly #churchinaction.”